Tuesday, February 1, 2011


There's not much to talk about today.  I didn't do much, just went to school at 9:00 and came back home around 4:00.  Pretty boring day right?  Oh, I also forgot to say this in the blog post before this, but I have started working out as of January 30, 2011.

A few years ago, I had convinced myself that exercise (i.e working out, running) was of no use to me and I didn't need it, so I made a promise to myself that I would never work out or run (I still did it for PE class in Grade 9, but once Grade 10 came around and PE was not a required course anymore, I completely stopped).  I kept that promise for 3 or 4 years.  I asked myself for the first time in years, why I made this promise, and my mind just replied with, "I don't remember, but you've got to keep it.  You promised yourself!"  I angrily fought back.  "Yes, but I'm sure that when I made that promise, it was under different circumstances!  I don't think it applies anymore!"  My mind gave in, and I went to work on my core with Kevin H.  

The psychological feeling that I felt as I was doing those sit-ups with weights on my chest was akin to a young child stumbling upon a toy in his room that he had always owned, but never played with.  And it was a fun toy.  There's so much more I could say about this; the rush of adrenaline filling your veins, the shot of testosterone flying through your body like a speeding bullet...

I've still got a ways to go if I'm ever going to get arms as big as cannons, but you know what?  I don't even want arms as big as cannons.  I'm perfectly fine with being wiry.  However, I'd still like to define all the muscles in my body and make them as solid as marble.  Kind of like Bruce Lee.  My 4 years in Tae Kwon Do has definitely helped nudge me forward a little in that regard.  I just got my first degree black belt in November of 2010!  Yes, be jealous.        

Anyways, bottom line?  Start working out, it's pretty exciting!     

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha, thats awesome that you started working out. You should probably come workout with my Afterschool tomorrow with me and Houman. Since I got block 1 off, I can only workout afterschool now.
    Anyways, its always good to workout, even though you might not be as big as the person next beside you. Atleast you'll feel good about yourself, by keeping yourself in shape
