Wednesday, February 2, 2011

75% Of People Are Cowards

Hey guys.  I just came back from a hearty Chinese New Year's Eve dinner with some family friends (now you know that I'm Chinese).  Looking forward to another massive dinner tomorrow night too.

If you're wondering about the authenticity of the title, it's totally bullshit.  I just needed a title that would draw people in to read this.  Anyways, people these days are so damn confusing.  Have people really gotten to the point where they think it's completely justified to do things that don't make sense?  I hear it from my friends all the time, "So and so is avoiding me because I tapped him on the shoulder before saying hi to him.", or "So and so started acting like a douchebag to me after I made a remark about how disgusting that donut looked."

I mean, ok.  Both sides are usually at some sort of fault here.  In the first example, maybe "so and so" got abused by his father as a child, and right before the beatings, his father would tap him on the shoulder as some sort of sick ritual.  And in the second example, maybe negative connotations are attached to the word "donut" for this guy because he used to be really fat (like morbidly obese), and his nickname all throughout his middle school years was "donut", and he had the shittiest years of his life there.  People have different reactions to different things, and that's understandable.  But people need to understand that NO ONE except for themselves know exactly what's going through their own mind, and it's not fair to treat other people as if they should know you inside out.  It's a ridiculous double-standard.  And none of this really justifies actions of avoiding the problem or being an asshole.

Are you a person that has a problem with someone right now?  Go right up to that goddamn person, whoever he/she may be, look them in the eye, and directly tell them how they're bugging you.  You don't have to be a dick about it, but make it known that you are being affected.  Because chances are, whoever this is, has no fucking idea that friendly tap on the shoulder or that casual comment about the donut could possibly conjure up such a boiling rage in you that you want to punch a baby.  As long as this person is a decent person (which I believe most people are), compromises will be able to be made, and situations can be mended.  Just remember, don't act like a child and pull the "cold shoulder" shit, or act like a bitch.  That will only make you seem as if you have a serious case of bipolar disorder.

People could have the potential to minimize unnecessary fights by tenfold if they did just this.  Or maybe I'm just being too logical, and I'm not quantifying enough the weight that human emotion carries in these situations.

But seriously, confront your problems head-on, or forever live your life as a coward.

1 comment:

  1. Thus why I say, When the world turns its back on you, You turn the world back around, and punch him across the face and tell him who's boss or whats up.
    Either way, telling the person whats up is always better than just killing them off.
    Supported and Agree'd
