Sunday, February 6, 2011

On Being Superficial...

I've always been a sucker for older movies.

You might be thinking, "What kind of an idiot watches movies before 2010?!  WHAT A LOSER."

This one does.  Nice to meet you.

Anyway, you know the ones with the signature "rough-around-the-edges", vintage video quality.  Some good examples would be Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, The Breakfast Club, The Basketball Diaries, etc (The list goes on and on, but I'll stop right here so I don't lose your attention).  I've always found these movies much more brusque (in a good way) than the impeccable high definition we have nowadays.  I'm not really complaining though.  Technology has come a long way since the 70's and 80's, and new discoveries and methods of doing things are being made daily.

Most of my friends despise older movies.  When prompted for a reason, they usually talk about how bad the video quality is.  I think this is a very shallow mindset to adopt.  Because one thing that these modern flicks are lacking that most of the ones from the 80's and 90's had were down-to-earth, relatable plot lines, and above all, the gritty attitude.  Okay, actually I only mean to attach "relatable plot-lines" to "The Breakfast Club", since the odds of landing yourself in a state-wide crime syndicate and almost getting sodomized by a corrupt cop and his gimp, then saving the man that tried to empty his pistol into your temple by hacking said cop to death with a katana, or getting kicked out of your house because of a heroin addiction is hardly relatable.  However, the stories are presented in such a manner that you feel as if you are a character in the movie. The scripts are all very simple and raw.  If you look at movies nowadays, you can see how much more polished they are.  The quality of movies post 2000 are truly amazing, but I am not able to immerse myself inside the movie to feel as if I am part of it because it is just too perfect.  Grit is given up in exchange for quality.  That's just the way things go I guess...

But ever since I've learned to appreciate and watch older movies (which was about the age of 15, so only a few years actually), I've been able to apply the concept of looking past the surface of things to not only movies, but my relationships with people, music, and every day situations.  I have met people that have told me things like, "I don't like so-and-so, his hair makes him look like a douchebag."

My response to that is, "Are you serious?  You don't like him because of his hair?  Have you even talked to him?"  It's ridiculous, because this person could be the nicest person in the world, and you're going to judge someone based on what kind of hair they have?  What kind of a shallow waste of skin does that?  It is unfair to judge somebody before talking to them and getting to know them personally, which is why I will never say anything negative about somebody until I know for sure (from firsthand experience) that they are class A dickheads.

I will never understand people who have some sort of a set opinion on others before actually making any contact with them...



  1. Thus we human judge other beings of their appearance of what they rather are. We cannot love unless we understand who stands on who's ground


    Truth be told I have done my share of judging a book by its cover. :p BUT it's never stopped me from talking to the person.

    Sure, i judge how they are at first but thats what appearances are..they are there to attract or repel someone and then personality comes in second...and it always will. People may rank personalities to come first..(like I) and say looks dont matter.. but they never realize that the only reason why they even become remotely interested in talking to that person at first is because of their looks.

    I'll ask you this.. if someone you didnt know very well.. was butt ugly..would you still try to initiate a conversation with them?

    Personally, I wouldn't... even if they did have an amazing personality. But i wouldnt know that at the time. Rather they would appear as someone who was annoying because they would try to constantly get my attention by talking to me.

    So yea, your comment about people not liking someone because of their hair.. it's just how things are in society. There are only a few in this world that still hold a position of what we like to call "sincere" or "profound"

    I liked this one booby. :} LOL

  3. I would. I do it all the time. LOL man I sound like a dick here. But yeah I do, what's wrong with being friends with as much people as you can? I see no drawbacks, only positive aspects.

    I believe that we need people. Everyone will need help from time to time. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be having troubles with something, and this person you very pleasantly label as "butt-ugly" was actually an expert at whatever you were struggling with and might decide to help you out because you talked to him when all the other kids scornfully beat his soul down to a bloody pulp.

    But hey, that's just one person's opinion.

  4. Yea but you see, I have problems with people. If you don't get annoyed quickly; KUDOS TO YOU!

    I on the other hand, i dont mind if people are butt ugly, most of the time they do end up being the one with the greatest insight on things.. but on my part, a majority of the time, they turn out to be reallly annoying people who don't realize when i want to talk.. and when i dont.

    It might make me seem like a complete bitch because they might be jsut trying to help, but sometimes i just cant tolerate it all for the more friends thing..but sometimes not having all the friends in the world is better.

    Maybe I just have bad luck with people. I personally think that im a great person to be around; i have a great vibe and everything..but first impressions are everything to me.. usually when thats fucked up, i call it quits..its quite rare for me to continue anything after that.

  5. Wait a minute...movies before 2000 are considered old? Seriously? =/

    Anyway, I'm gonna talk about films here. Although it seems many films nowadays sacrifice decent plots, compelling characters, insightful themes, and writing in general for stunning visuals and such, I think that there are still some pretty good films released post-2000. Christopher Nolan's films are a pretty good example, especially Memento (though that was released in 2000, so I'm not sure if that counts).

    I enjoy 1990s films as well, like Trainspotting, Fight Club, American History X, and The Matrix. Many of my other favourite films also come from the decades before that, especially from the 1960s to the 1980s. If you're interested in insightful or character-driven films, I'd recommend some of those to you. 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Taxi Driver, etc.

    It's too bad not a lot of people even know that some of these films exist, or even seem interested in them. Some of them are actually very eye-opening and thought-provoking.
