Friday, February 4, 2011


I love Fridays.  Maybe it's because it's the only day I'm ever able to get some rest, along with Sunday.  I always have Tae Kwon Do sparring class on Saturday, and sparring class really gets exhausting.  Those of you who do sparring will understand what I mean.  The nonstop flurry of kicks and punches you have to give (and take, for that matter) will make you feel like you've run 5 kilometres.  Thinking of running or jogging to lose some weight?  Go join Tae Kwon Do sparring instead!  I swear, it's at least 10 times the workout.

Today, Children Of Bodom, my favourite band, released a new song off their upcoming album "Relentless Reckless Forever" entitled "Ugly".  It's pretty neat.  It's their most atmospheric stuff since Hate Crew Deathroll.  Alexi ripped out a monster solo on that track.  I have high hopes for the album.  Anyways, that's all I have today.  Nothing really interesting happened today.  There's something on my mind that I would like to blog about...but I don't really feel that today is the right time.  Maybe another day.

1 comment:

  1. my oh my, you're my favorite :3 LOL <3

    Fridays and sundays are my relaxing days tooo. and I love how i havent seen a video of your awesome taekwondoe skills yet. LOL :{

