Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Post To Start it All Off...

Hey.  I'm ZOMGACOW.  I'm just your average, every day high school student trying to push his way through life.  Sorry if I don't have much to say right now, but bear with this first post.  This is mainly to get myself used to the concept of "blogging".  "Oiling the wheels", if you will.

I don't really want to leave you guys (I just made this, and chances are I have no followers right now, but oh well) with nothing but this bullshit right now, so I'm going to force myself to think of something to talk about.  Hold on.

Alright, I'm back.  Tomorrow is the start of second semester for me.  I guess you could say I'm excited.  But at the same time, I'm pretty nervous, like a 6-year old boy whose mother has just released him into the fiery depths of elementary school for the first time.  Well, not to that extent.  But I digress, I am actually quite looking forward to what classes I have this new semester, especially History and English.  This should prove to be interesting.  

See you guys next post.

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